Friday, July 17, 2009

So I have a wonderful breakfast treat! Ok first you take yogurt and you put a little milk in it, 2nd you put some milk in a glass, 3rd you put the mil
  1. You put some milk in Yogurt
  2. You put some milk in a glass
  3. Put the milk away
  4. Stir the yogurt and milk
  5. You put the milky yogurt in the glass
  6. Stir it all up
  7. And you drink it, it is like flavored milk it is really really really really good=:)


  1. my mom used to make that for me when i was a baby!! I called it meenak. I have no idea why. haha. =:)

  2. Just had some it was delicious!

  3. I had that yesterday, and yummy!!! It was good


Olive and I are saving up for an ipod touch=:)cows go moo