Tuesday, July 28, 2009


thanks olive =:)

Monday, July 27, 2009

I just realized that I have not been on my blog in a long time. I am really happy because I am almost done with my english project. Haha well i just got back from Oregon tonight! AND ALEX IS COMING HOME TOMORROW AND I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So today is one of those wonderful yoga days! I will relax my mind and hope to have an awesome time with my friends. Today is Breyers first day and I am so happy for her!

Friday, July 17, 2009

So I have a wonderful breakfast treat! Ok first you take yogurt and you put a little milk in it, 2nd you put some milk in a glass, 3rd you put the mil
  1. You put some milk in Yogurt
  2. You put some milk in a glass
  3. Put the milk away
  4. Stir the yogurt and milk
  5. You put the milky yogurt in the glass
  6. Stir it all up
  7. And you drink it, it is like flavored milk it is really really really really good=:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So as you know I went to the mall (well you will once you read the post before this) and I found a cow case for my phone!!!!!!!!!! I was this close to buying it (if you could look at me you would see that my fingers are really close together), but I did not get it=:( because it was a really cheap case but really expensive. ohhhhh welllllllll
So like Paige I have had a wonderful day! Sorry Paige I am going to list things like you did but I will use numbers.
  1. Woke up
  2. Had a half of a bowl of cereal and a yogurt with milk
  3. Took a shower
  4. Got dressed
  5. Played a last game of mario on the farm
  6. Left
  7. Had a burrito at Dell Taco
  8. Drove you my mom's cousins house
  9. Went to the mall
  10. Had crab cakes at The Cheesecake Factory
  11. Came back and fell asleep for a hour and a half
  12. Had a piece of pizza
  13. Watched a show on JK Rowling 
  14. Now I am typing 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a very wonderful book. I enjoy reading this book very much, I would rather not do the assignment but its fine. So I am almost finished with Chapter 8 I just have to do the work for it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am in Colorado and having a great time! I am on a farm. My moms cousins wife owns a gym and I got to play around in it today. It was a lot of fun but the bad part was there was no air conditioning!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I am so happy! Today I did my backtuck on floor (for some reason I could not do it yesterday) and I did back handsprings  on the beam with a spot and I did my rise up clear hip! I am so so so excited!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

    So today I am going to work on my English project! And then at 4 or 4:15 I am going to gymnastics today! So I have not been at gym for a while so today I am really sore because I had gym yesterday.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I am back from Hawaii and it was awesome! So today I am going to yoga with my friends, and today Caroline is coming! I hope all of you had an awesome 4th of July!

Friday, July 3, 2009

So today I am not doing anything =:( well I am working on my english project. I have finished chapters 1 and 2 and today I am going to read chapter 3. It is a really long chapter it is 27 pages.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

  So right now I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to try to change my style a little but i dont know how well that will work
   So change of plans, this 4th of July I was going to be home and celebrate with the Banyan Lollipop. But no my parents decided that we are going to fly to the BIG Island (Hawaii) and celebrate there ( I want to go, the part where I said my parents decided sounds like I don't want to go, but for the recored I really really want to go). The flights are wide open so we should not have a problem getting on the flight. 
    On another note I think Olive and Caroline are coming back home from the Grand Canyon today! I hope you guys had a blast =:) Can't wait to see you guys again!
     Yesterday I went to yoga and it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! The instructor was talking about how some people like to do yoga in hot rooms, she did not agree with that, so we did these squat things to make us hot. It was really fun and because of those squats my legs are sore today!
    Now today I have to start on my English project!

Olive and I are saving up for an ipod touch=:)cows go moo