So change of plans, this 4th of July I was going to be home and celebrate with the Banyan Lollipop. But no my parents decided that we are going to fly to the BIG Island (Hawaii) and celebrate there ( I want to go, the part where I said my parents decided sounds like I don't want to go, but for the recored I really really want to go). The flights are wide open so we should not have a problem getting on the flight.
On another note I think Olive and Caroline are coming back home from the Grand Canyon today! I hope you guys had a blast =:) Can't wait to see you guys again!
Yesterday I went to yoga and it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! The instructor was talking about how some people like to do yoga in hot rooms, she did not agree with that, so we did these squat things to make us hot. It was really fun and because of those squats my legs are sore today!
Now today I have to start on my English project!